Monday, December 07, 2009

I'm sitting here thinking about multi-track recording. That's where a musician can lay down different tracks of a song (guitar, vocal, rhythm, piano, bass, etc.) and mix them into a single work. I have been using my friend Mark's multi-track recorder but have had problems. Things aren't lining up properly and I'm guessing there are workflow issues that I have to resolve and tricks I have to discover. I thought I could find out about this on the Internet but, so far, to no avail.

I've got a album's worth of new material I'd like to produce - just to be able to say that I've done a music CD in my lifetime. It won't put me in the same league as the Beatles, but I'd be playing in the same general area even if only briefly...and that's just fine with me.

Now, back to the Internet to see what I can learn...

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